As we head into a new year, there are some things about construction that will stay the same–namely, the growing demand for a strong workforce.
I Build America – Kentucky is dedicated to growing awareness about the incredible opportunities that construction has to offer Kentucky’s workforce. After two solid years of COVID and the recent devastating tornadoes in our state, it’s time for some good news.
The construction industry will continue to grow.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “overall employment of construction laborers and helpers is projected to grow 7 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations.”
While this may seem like a challenge–finding more workers to fill even more open positions–we see it as a reinforcement of the strength and necessity of the construction industry. Ours is an industry that will continue on, regardless of other factors in our communities, state, and nation. A massive infrastructure deal was reached. Kentucky’s construction industry will grow more and more advanced as technology improves and today’s young people become tomorrow’s workforce.
And, according to KY Stats Career Explorer, the state will have space for thousands of people (3,148 new job openings) in the next 5 years. This means that the men and women who are considering changing careers–there are jobs for you. And there are jobs for the young people who are exploring what it might be like to own your own construction company–it’s a perfect time to get started in the industry.
Be a part of the change.
I Build America Kentucky is exploring more avenues of getting people connected to jobs in the construction workforce. If you want to be updated on the latest developments, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletters by entering your email at the bottom of our website.