I Build America – Kentucky is dedicated to celebrating the women of construction. Women are a vital part of our industry, and there are female leaders at all levels of construction work. From foreman to company owners and executives, construction wouldn’t be the industry it is without its female employees. Join us and our partners in celebrating the success of women within your own company and across the nation during National Women in Construction Week 2023.
Name: Jennifer V.
Company: Louisville Paving and Construction
Title/Position: Director of Marketing and Business Development
Years in Construction: 4
What was your path to a career in construction?
I met our company president while working in Development for a nonprofit organization that he chaired. He saw my potential and asked me to work for LPC. I had no prior experience in paving or construction and originally was hesitant to work in a male dominated industry. Taking the job has been one of the best decisions in my life.
What do you like most about working in construction?
Working in construction provides a lot of opportunity for growth. The industry is always changing, expanding, adapting and as a contributor to this industry our roles reflect that trajectory as well. There is never a dull moment and learning to improve and adapt are good life skills.
Have you seen changes for women in construction over the course of your career?
In my short time working in construction, I have realized that growing diversity of all kinds is welcomed here. Our team is grateful for new eyes and other perspectives and of course women offer that talent in spades. As multitaskers we are inherently fitted for this industry.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?
Do it!