It’s Women in Construction Week! I Build America – Kentucky is taking the opportunity to share the stories of the women across the state who make up our great industry. The stories of these women show the diverse backgrounds, interests, skills, and talents that are part of the work we do–and we encourage more women of all ages and interests to consider careers in construction.
You can follow along as the nation celebrates its female construction workforce. Check out the hashtag #WICWeek2022 and #IBuildAmericaKY!
The Women of Kentucky’s Workforce: Meet Angie R.
Name: Angelina Reynolds
Position: Mountain Enterprises
Company: Human Resources Director
Years Working In Construction: 5 years
In your experience, what do women bring to the construction industry?
In my experience women bring diverse thinking, outside the box resolutions and a ferocious determination to achieve goals that is unparalleled.
In what ways does your company support more women joining the industry?
We actively recruit female talent, Bring the industry to the community and secondary educational outlets, featuring women at these events, and we offer apprenticeships for females that will train from ground zero boots on the ground leading to a lifelong sustainable career.
What do you like most about working in construction?
I enjoy solving problems that often have larger implications and real-world results. One machine The thing I like most are the people and the pride that they exude in every job they do.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?
This is a predominantly male industry, the work is hard, the weather sucks sometimes but at the end of the day the tangible product we build makes travelling safer for everyone. There is pride in being a highway construction worker and ladies you CAN do this, we will support your every step along the way. Together we can change the industry standard to exhibit much more gender equality.