It’s Women in Construction Week! I Build America – Kentucky is taking the opportunity to share the stories of the women across the state who make up our great industry. The stories of these women show the diverse backgrounds, interests, skills, and talents that are part of the work we do–and we encourage more women of all ages and interests to consider careers in construction.
You can follow along as the nation celebrates its female construction workforce. Check out the hashtag #WICWeek2022 and #IBuildAmericaKY!
The Women of Kentucky’s Workforce: Meet Eileen
Name: Eileen Harrod Logsdon
Position: Vice President
Company: Harrod Concrete & Stone
Years Working In Construction: 25
What do you like most about working in construction?
An ability to multitask in a ever changing environment, a fresh perspective on management, and a work ethic that is necessary to compete in the construction industry.
In what ways does your company support more women joining the industry?
We are always looking not only for women to join our company, but we strive to be as diverse as possible. An environment that embraces and respects not just women, but all minorities, creates a positive culture.
What do you like most about working in construction?
I like that no day is ever the same but you can always draw on past experience to solve a problem. Every day I learn something new and it keeps my job exci/ng.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?
Follow your natural inclination and strengths. Whatever they may be, there is a place in the construction industry for you. Just because it’s historically “man’s work” doesn’t meant it has to stay that way.