This week is Women in Construction Week, and I Build America Kentucky is celebrating the many roles that women play in Kentucky’s construction workforce. This year’s theme is “Keys to the Future,” and we’re asking women of all positions and experiences what they see as the keys to the future of construction. Read on! #womeninconstruction
Name: Lisa N.
Company: Louisville Paving and Construction
Title/Position: Director of Corporate Administration
Years working in construction: 22
What was your path to a career in construction? Helping people find the best them and working through lives struggles.
What do you like most about working in construction? I worked in the office for over 10 years before stepping into a safety role where I was VP of EHS for over 12 years before stepping back in to an administrative role to work with employee recognition. I love working with the field personnel and helping them through their daily activities and showing them that they are appreciated for the work they do.
This year’s theme is “Keys to the Future.” What is the key to the future of construction in Kentucky? The best programs are built with honest communication which allows everyone to have a clear understanding of how and why the program was established. Education, accountability, and recognition to help lead our future construction workers. Recognition is as equally and, in some cases, important to an individual as monetary compensation. If we build a strong caring program, this will help strengthen our culture by telling those individuals who stand back to become more involved in growing our companies. The key is making them a part of our Company Vision, using positive reinforcement so team members know their good work is being noticed. Encourage feedback from the field, listen and hear what team members are saying, so you understand what they are trying to contribute.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say? If construction is the field you want to work in then find the area you can excel in, it can be a laborer, operator, foreman, supervisor, office administrator, project manager or safety. Make sure you understand all the aspects of your job, the more you know and understand the better you will be for your company and yourself. Finding your voice in a male dominant business is not easy but it is so worth it. Believe in yourself as much as others believe in you.