It’s Women in Construction Week! I Build America – Kentucky is taking the opportunity to share the stories of the women across the state who make up our great industry. The stories of these women show the diverse backgrounds, interests, skills, and talents that are part of the work we do–and we encourage more women of all ages and interests to consider careers in construction.
You can follow along as the nation celebrates its female construction workforce. Check out the hashtag #WICWeek2022 and #IBuildAmericaKY!
The Women of Kentucky’s Workforce: Meet Angie

Name: Angie Tingle
Position: Shop Foreman / Diagnostic Technician
Company: Harrod Concrete & Stone
Years Working In Construction: 18 years in Concrete Construction and 5 years as a Diesel Technician
In your experience, what do women bring to the construction industry?
I think women bring just as much to the construction industry as men. We have great problem solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Being able to think through problems without over reacting is a good skill to have; maybe it’s due to being mothers as well as running our households.
In what ways does your company support more women joining the industry?
Harrod Concrete & Stone are very welcoming to women who want a career in transporting our product. As for being in the actual field and getting the concrete off the truck and on the ground, in my 18 years of experience, I would have to say you would have to show the crew you are capable of doing your share of the work to be welcomed.
What do you like most about working in construction?
The thing I loved the most about being in the construction field was the ability to see my finished work. It was a very good feeling to drive through multiple subdivisions and see the houses that set on the footers I poured or someone landscaping around their porches and driveways that I finished.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?
To the young ladies that are intrigued by any type of field in the construction industry, I say go for it. Never let anyone tell you that you don’t belong in a job field that you are interested in doing. You may have to prove yourself and your capabilities but no matter what – Never let someone say you can’t!!